Posted July 8, 2010 at 2:01 am

It looks like my booth is next to Carlos Ferro's, with whom I did a toy collecting panel last year and was told some time ago that I might be doing one again! It might be on Saturday at 2:30? That's when I find a toy-collecting-themed panel on the schedule, so I'm guessing that's it. There are also various webcomics panels that I am not sure if I am invited to.
ConnectiCon is always an ongoing unveiling of surprises.
Anyway, I'll have Roomies! book 1, Shortpacked! books 2 and 3, some magnets, some bumper stickers, some art prints, and the super-awesome Brings Back the Eighties poster. I'll also have Maggie, who will be much better at conversation than me.
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